ElectroDeck NFT Collection

Series 1 [Genesis Edition]

Number of minted NFT’s in this set = 55

Common = 36

UnCommon = 8

Rare = 4

UltraRare = 4

Special = 2

UltraSpecial = 1


Imagine if a deck of playing cards existed electronically on a blockchain, what would that concept look and feel like?

ElectroDeck NFT Collections are a series of NFT collectable cards based on the concept of a real deck of playing cards.

Each card looks and feels like a real electronic circuit board with realistic micro-processors welded on top, each one simulating the shape of a playing card suit (Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade).

For added realism bits fast moving light streaks conveys the motion of bits & bytes of data streams in a typical electronic circuit board.

Some of the added benefits to the whole concept is cards typically represent numbers and numbers are something that is dear and personal to every person on this planet. Think of a special day such as one’s birthday, anniversary, achieving a great milestone, all these are celebrated by numbers. So each NFT as collectable can have a personal meaning to its holder.

Also not a typical 10,000 “animal name here'“ NFT set, but a standard deck only contains 52 playing cards plus couple of jokers so we opted for a realistic output of only 55 NFT’s. That means there will not be 10,000 owners but only 55!

The initial launch is done as fair launch meaning no pre-white listing or favoring anyone ahead of the launch. All the cards are for sale is same time for same price (even the most rare card). Initial launch price is (0.05 ETH) which at the time of writing is less than ($15) per card on first come first serve basis.

At the end we really appreciate your support and kindness and looking forward to any feedback from the NFT community regarding this project. Stay positive, let’s be kind to each other and with less hatred this world can really become a better place for all us!

Please see below for detailed description and click button (on the left) to see the full ElectroDeck NFT set.

(Disclaimer: Intended for entertainment purposes only and not financial advice)

ElectroDeck Full Collection

Below is the full set of ElectroDeck’s NFT collectables.

ElectroDeck [Common] NFT’s

Below are the 36 NFT’s that are regarded as [Common].

2-10 [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

ElectroDeck [UnCommon] NFT’s

Below are the 8 NFT’s that are regarded as [UnCommon].

Jack & Queen [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

ElectroDeck [Rare] NFT’s

Below are the 4 NFT’s that are regarded as [Rare].

King [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

ElectroDeck [UltraRare] NFT’s

Below are the 4 NFT’s that are regarded as [UltraRare].

Ace [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

ElectroDeck [Special] NFT’s

Below are the 2 NFT’s that are regarded as [Special].

Joker [1 & 2]

ElectroDeck [UltraSpecial] NFT’s

Below are the 1 NFT that is regarded as [UltraSpecial].

Deck Box

ElectroDeck [Jack card] Customization

The following characteristics are customized for all 4 Jacks:

Shield: Round

Crest: 4 symbols for each suit at the center of the shield [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

Weapon: Battle Axe with custom handle for each suit [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

ElectroDeck [Queen card] Customization

The following characteristics are customized for all 4 Queens:

Shield: Small Templar

Crest: 4 symbols for each suit at the center of the shield [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

Weapon: Battle Axe with custom blade for each suit [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

ElectroDeck [King card] Customization

The following characteristics are customized for all 4 Kings:

Shield: Large Templar

Crest: 4 symbols for each suit at the center of the shield [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]

Weapon: Sword with custom handle for each suit [Diamond, Club, Heart, Spade]